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The goal of a facelift, or rhytidectomy, is to reduce sagging and loose skin in the face and neck by lifting or repositioning the skin and underlying tissues. As a result of recent improvements in procedures, the facelift has become one of the most desired cosmetic surgeries.

As individuals age, the skin as well as the fat and bone structure of the face change. These changes combine with lifelong facial muscle activity and gravity to create more prominent skin folds, particularly under the chin, in the upper neck, and lower facial areas.


Skin care regimens can only do so much to prevent sagging skin, fine lines, and wrinkles. You may desire a facelift if you notice any of these signs of aging despite your best efforts to prevent them.



A mini-facelift is the ideal procedure to address sagging skin and wrinkles on the lower one-third of your face. As with a traditional facelift, it involves incisions behind the ears, but results in less skin being removed than with a full facelift. It is therefore ideal if you would like less dramatic results or are looking for a procedure with a shorter downtime period.

Mid-Face Lift

Sometimes referred to as a cheek lift, the mid-face lift raises the cheeks and helps to redefine a face that has lost its youthful contours due to aging. With a mid-face lift, those sunken hollows and flattened cheekbones are gone, leaving you with greater fullness, just like when you were younger.

Upper Facelift

An upper facelift is performed on the top one-third of your face, and is designed to smooth forehead wrinkles, brow creases, and crow’s feet underneath the eyes. It is most often performed along with blepharoplasty to eliminate sagging eyelids.

Lower Facelift

A lower facelift is performed to eliminate loose, sagging skin along the cheeks or underneath the chin. It is often performed in conjunction with a neck lift, particularly for those who would like to get rid of jowls.

If you would like to look and feel your very best, contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. English. We look forward to seeing you!

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