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Breast Augmentation - Saline vs. Silicone

What type of breast implant is right for you: saline or silicone? Both of these are an excellent choice for enhancing your bust and boosting your cup size. Each has their own set of advantages. Dr. English and his staff would appreciate the opportunity to discuss these specifics with you and offer a personalized recommendation during a consultative appointment. Call us today to schedule. Meanwhile, please keep reading for more information about both implants.

Saline and Silicone Implants: The Similarities

One of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures in the United States, breast augmentation (mammoplasty) can transform the look of your breasts by taking them from ordinary to extraordinary and giving you a confidence boost. Dr. English places most of the implants behind the chest wall muscle for a more natural look and feel while reducing the possibility of firm and painful breasts. Also, placing the implant behind the natural breast tissue and muscle can increase the effectiveness of mammograms interpretations after implantation.

Take a minute and review these before and after pictures of real breast implant patients of Dr. English’s to get a better idea of the results you might obtain from breast augmentation.

Saline Breast Implants

Saline implants are a great choice for many women and are often available at a lower price point than their silicone counterparts. While saline implants are less expensive, that doesn’t mean they are inferior to silicone implants. They actually have a few unique benefits that silicone implants cannot offer.

Saline implants consist of an empty silicone shell that is filled during surgery with a sterile saline solution. This means that a smaller incision can be used (Dr. English always strives to minimize scarring with both types of implants).

Saline implants are also easier to remove and replace should the need ever arise. Should a saline implant rupture, it is very easy to tell as the saline will absorb into the body (without harm to you) leaving the breast with a deflated look. This makes it easier to tell if an implant needs replacement.

Silicone Breast Implants

Available to women age 22 and up, silicone breast implants are a safe, FDA approved implant choice that we are pleased to offer to our patients. Some women prefer the feel of silicone implants over saline. Silicone implants are lighter than a similarly sized saline implants. They are also softer and depending on placement may feel more natural than saline.

If a silicone implant ruptures, you may not know immediately. Often imaging (like MRI or ultrasound) is needed to detect ruptures. If you choose silicone implants, you will need examination every few years to check for this situation. We are now offering a new technique that allows placement of a silicone implant with incisions 50% shorter than previously performed.

Which Implant is Right for Me?

When it comes to choosing between saline and silicone implants, our best advice is to come in and visit with Dr. English and his female staff. With over 18 year’s experience, our female registered nurse, fellow, and Dr. English will assist and talk with you about your desired look and can recommend the implant that will provide the best results. We now have the latest anatomic sizers that can be tried on during your initial consultation which can help you determine the size best for your overall body and shape.

Both implants are a great choice and with a skilled surgeon, you can expect stunning results with whatever type you choose. In general, saline implants are placed in younger women and silicone in our older patients. We offer follow up care after surgery for six to twelve months at no additional charge. Breast Implantation is performed by Dr. English in his accredited surgical suite allowing you more comfort, privacy, and expediency.

Ready for your breast augmentation? Call us today at (501) 227-9556 to schedule your consultation with Dr. English.

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