Dr. Jim English's tenure over the past 30+ years has produced certain procedural advancements to improve the appearance of his facelift patients. He has shared that knowledge with his fellows on the past several years and is now willing to share that information to his patient clientele.
"Most of the time, a facelift patient requires volume re-shaping to their face to improve the overall appearance since it is not prudent for the surgeon to make one appear to have an operated look. Volume shifting with fat for addition and/or reduction makes an older face look much more youthful. Those that come to see me for a face lift and have a full lower cheek, I will offer a buccal fat pad removal. This gives a slimmer appearance to that part of the face for the rest of their lives."
A 1/2 inch incision is made inside of the mouth so that there are no external scars, and a thumb sized fat pad is removed from that area without difficulty. Two small sutures are placed and the other side is then addressed. That’s all there is to improve the overall appearance of a fuller face with or without facelift.

If you or a loved one is considering a face lift and has a round and/or full face, please call English Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Center at (501) 227-9556 to schedule your consultation, and ask Dr. English about this procedure.